Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I took Jack to pick out his birthday cake. We were looking through the book with all the different cakes and of course he picks out the Power Rangers cake. I ready did not like the cake. It was not very creative... a few icings designs with 3 power rangers figures stuck in the cake. But Jack looked at me with these big brown eyes and said with so much joy..."Mommmm can I pleeeeeese have this cake." It is HIS birthday and if he loves the cake, that's all that matters.

The teachers at school tell me often that Emma had her Emma-tude today. HAHA

This morning Jack with dancing to some music and his little sister started laughing at him. Either she thought he was entertaining or a bad dancer.

Grandma and Aunt Shannon took the kids to the library last week for story time. The girls sat in the back of the room while Jack sat with a bunch of other kids right in front of the storyteller. The lady was reading a book on different animals and would ask the kids what it was.
She would say, what is this? And Jack yells a bird. That's right.
What is this? Jacks yells a turtle. That's right.
What is this? Jack yells a snake. Close but it is a worm.
- So when they are leaving the library, Jack looks up at Aunt Shannon with a serious look on his face and shaking his head said, "It WAS a snake."

My little man turns 4 on Friday. He is growing up too fast. We keep telling him he is too cute at 3 and we are not going to let him turn 4! Tomorrow is the big Chuck E Cheese party with his friends. He is so excited. Friday morning we will celebrate in the morning as a little family, he will bring cupcakes to school, and then my parents are coming over for a birthday dinner.

My dad is coming over this weekend to help me (or I should say that I will be helping him as best as I can) to paint the downstairs trim.

I am thankful I have Jack's birthday to help me keep my mind from not always thinking about Hershey, loss of loved ones, the crazy banking world, and little Stellen ( ... I follow this blog and Stellen is in the hospital)

I have some free kids tickets to the circus. The Cole Brothers Circus is April 2-5th. Leave me a comment if you would like me to send them to you.

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